Thursday, July 3, 2008

Acne and organic face wash and acne scar

If you have ever tried to get products to clear blemishes, you would have come across a whole lot with different brand names all claiming one wonder or the other. Some actually tell you that you can get a clear skin in a week. Well I'm not here to disprove that but just to point out that what works for Jack may not work for Jill. Whether it works or not would depend on how your body reacts to the medication. It is necessary to point out that you may use any of these products and immediately see results or I should rather say improvement because you may also use these products and see results but no the kind you paid for. A product that worked for one can cause another's face to look irritated and dry and may most likely cause more break outs.
If your back acne is resistant to over-the-counter medication, then you will need to consult with a dermatologist. This doctor can help you with some additional tricks in keeping your back free from pimples. Your dermatologist will also be able to prescribe you an oral medication that is an antibiotic. The antibiotic will attack the bacteria found in your pores. A bacterium is one of the causes of acne so treating from the inside out is effective. You may also receive some topical creams like you purchased from the store. This has a higher concentration of back acne solution.
This drug is a useful alternative when tetracycline fails or is not tolerated, when the patient is younger than 10 years old, or when the patient is pregnant. Although it is always best to avoid, whenever possible, the use of systemic drugs in a woman who is pregnant, trying to become pregnant, or breast-feeding, in exceptional circumstances, erythromycin can be given.
tags: teenage acne products, how to help getting rid of acne, acne scar face

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